30 March 2007

Happy Birthday

If you ask me what my birthday wish is... I've gotta say... I don't have any. I just wanna enjoy my beer, my snacks and watch my L word.


29 March 2007

Retirement fund

Just on my way back home, on a taxi... I heard this financial consultant talking about retirement and savings...

she said.... people have never properly thought about their retirement and never figured out how much they need when they retire... and that's her tips on retirement funds...

If you are 26... the percentage of savings (which would be your retirement funds).. would be half of your age... then take the percentage as your goal... i.e. 13% of the income should be used as retirement funds... And if you are 40, then you should save 20% of the income as retirement funds...

But the retirement funds should be invested on something instead of putting it in the bank....

Umm.... I better save up more then...

28 March 2007


I am emotionally drained... totally empty

25 March 2007

How long to go?

I have just counted... I have 34 more days in the UK. I better enjoy the best of the rest of the days.

24 March 2007



I know I have a busy schedule for April, especially working on most sundays... but I promise...I will take care of myself

Hot, nose bleeding scene


Now you know that my favourite character in the L word is Shane.... I might as well share my favourite scene with you.

(don't blame me when you get a nose bleed, alright? Coz' I almost did!)

It is
The L Word - S04E04 p.06

22 March 2007

Just a glimpse...

Just had a glimpse of the L word Season 4.....

whoa...phew.... that hugo Boss poster has gotta be the hottest one I have ever seen (wonder if Hugo Boss has ever thought about asking Katherine Moennig to be the brand model)




Exhausted.....must be a sign of old age.

20 March 2007


If relationship is as complicated as those in the L word....

I just wish mine is as simple as it can be.

19 March 2007



Do you remember, when we were in Sydney museum, you asked me what I think about angels and how they should look like?....


Angels are everywhere, they are amongst us

18 March 2007

Hung up

Mum called early this morning, when I called her back, she seemed she's got something to tell me, but she didn't coz' she had to go out for a movie.

When I call her tonight, she just asked a couple of questions about when my contract finishes,when I am leaving, and whether I've got something lined up when I get back to Hong Kong.

Then, when I asked her about her eye sights.... she said that's nothing she can do about it, and hung up.....

All I can say is...... I think it is weird.... and a bit bizarre. Is she trying to tell/ask me something?

17 March 2007


My treat for my hard work this week.....

a can of.....

16 March 2007

Heavy snow in March

Met Office Warning Of Heavy Snow Thursday March 15, 04:07 PM

The Met Office has issued a warning that heavy snow falls are on the way for parts of the UK, starting on Sunday and persisting until the middle of next week. The blizzards will be driven across the country by cold northerly winds and disruption to roads, rail and air travel is likely.
The first significant snowfalls are expected overnight on Sunday and during Monday.
The change in the follows a period of above average temperatures for much of Britain.
Experts say the mercury will drop to as low as -4C for parts of Scotland, northern England and Wales.
Stephen Davenport, senior forecaster for MeteoGroup UK, said: "That's really quite a drop. Not only that, we will have biting north-westerly winds with significant wind chill to make it feel even colder.
"These north-west winds are dragging colder air from the Polar and Arctic regions. Scotland will see lots of hail, sleet and snow by Sunday.
"Most parts of the UK will have a risk of passing flurries of snow showers but it may be prolonged along the east of England particularly in East Anglia where it may accumulate overnight Sunday to Monday."
He added that the conditions are not untypical for March, which he described as a "changeable" month.
Environmentalists are warning that the cold snap could prove fatal for many animals that have emerged early from their hibernation because of the mild winter.
Moles, squirrels, dormice, bats and hedgehogs are all at risk.
Biologist Dr Tim Sparks said: "Many of these animals need to feed every day.
"If there are several days where they can't access food because the ground is frozen or covered in snow that can lead to death."

15 March 2007

The Cloud...

My colleagues were just talking about how lucky some people are (having a very nice, charming & good looking partner, and yet the person himself/herself is so ugly)

There's a reason why they are so 'lucky'. I was told by one of my professors when I was still in university.

Three good friends (let's named them A, B & C) went to heaven together. God welcomed them into heaven and also warned them about "the cloud" in heaven. God said to them, 'You can go wherever you like, but don't step on the grey cloud.' Then, the three friends enter into heaven.

One day, B & C met A, and she's with a very ugly guy .... and they asked A, 'What happened? Why is this guy with you?'. Then A said, ' I should have listen to God, I shouldn't have stepped on the grey cloud. And now, this guy is my soulmate in heaven!!'

Then a couple of days later, A & C met B, and she's also with a very ugly guy. And she also explained to them that she stepped on the grey cloud!! Therefore, she's stuck with this ugly guy forever.

And, another couple of days later. A & B met C... and they were so surprised that she got a very handsome, charming guy next to her. They were very curious, and asked C. ' How come you are so lucky? Why is this handsome guy with you?' But C kept quiet.

.... And the handsome guy said.........' It was me who accidently stepped on the grey cloud.'

So.. ladies and gentlemen.... that's why some people are so lucky!

(N.B. Personally, I have nothing against ugly people, please don't take it as an offence. I believe there's no ugly people in the world. )

No heading

Finished work... and I am really tired. But when I got back, I just couldn't resist cleaning my apartment. So...

I cleaned up the whole apartment!!!

(It's a good way to loose a bit of the weight!!)

14 March 2007


'auntie' 攪大我個肚...


"隨著自己愈長大,看著父母親臉龐從年輕變憔悴,頭髮從烏絲變白髮,動作從 迅捷變緩慢,多心疼! 父母親總是將最好、最寶貴的留給我們,像蠟燭不停的燃燒自己,照亮孩子!而我呢?有沒有騰出一個空間給我的父母,或者只是在當我需要停泊岸時,才會想起他們 ....其實父母親要的真的不多,只是一句隨意的問候:爸、媽,你們今天好嗎?」 隨意買的宵夜,煮一頓再普通不過的晚餐,睡前幫他們蓋蓋被子,天冷幫他們添衣服、戴手套 ....都能讓他們高興溫馨很久。"

13 March 2007

Relativity theory- the humorous side of Einstein

"Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love.
How on earth can you explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love?
Put your hand on a stove for a minute and it seems like a hour. Sit with that special girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. That's relativity." - Albert Einstein

Touching... but sad


12 March 2007



「你覺得一個人能夠給別人最珍貴的禮物是什麼?」 這是我在紐西蘭採訪時,同行一位美麗女子問我的問題。
我覺得這問題很有意思,於是,也拿它問了許多人,答案林林種種,很有趣。 包括:真心、讚美、誠意、體貼、智慧、尊重、包容、感情、愛、關懷、等等。

好友失戀了。為了療傷止痛,我們一群手帕交陪她逛街買東西,企圖轉移她的注意力。 一個星期後,其中某位知己對她說:「妳應該把帳單全部寄給他,要他還錢。」 「為什麼?」她問。 「分手費啊!」 她嘆了口氣說:「他還不起的,因為我把最好的時間給了他。」

有個過了適婚年齡的朋友,天天埋頭工作,他的家人心急的不得了,四處安排他相親,不停幫他介紹女朋友,但似乎沒什麼眉目,我問他:「你到底喜歡什麼樣的?說個條件,別人好幫你留意。」 他想了想說:「我想找個我願意把時間花在她身上的人。」

一位被愛擊傷的女孩,多年來始終不曾打開心門,讓愛再生。 旁人一直以為她等的是曾經滄海的他。 是,當他回過頭想與她再續前緣時,她卻不給他機會,拒絕了他。 她說:「我不是忘不了他,我捨不得的是從前相戀的那段時間,但我們回不到過去了。」

「時間無涯的荒野裡,沒有早一步,也沒有晚一步,剛巧趕上了!」 這是張愛玲的名句。 恨早或恨晚的愛情,都是一種遺憾,都只能錯過。

只有在對的時間,愛情的樣子才能美麗。 我想找個我願意把時間花在他身上的人。

珍惜一個願意花時間在妳身上的人 把握每一個願意為妳下心力的人

最珍貴的禮物 ~ 是願意給愛的人自己的時間


hehe... when I am back... I better make sure you are eating right... and... too bad... your 大閘蟹 would be the first....coz' I don't want you end up having high cholesterol... You would understand, right?

11 March 2007


oh.... 食完lu...

10 March 2007












開 朗 熱 情    

白 羊 座 的 人 令 人 覺 得 他 開 朗 而 熱 情 。 即 使 他 內 心 是 有 那 麼 點 害 羞 , 表 面 上 仍 可 以 很 自 在 、 大 。 方 當 一 頭 白 羊 愁 眉 苦 臉 時 , 只 會 出 現 在 他 家 裡 鏡 子 中 。 他 再 傷 心 , 就 是 不 會 在 別 人 面 前 擺 出 苦 旦 臉 。 好 強 ? 可 以 這 麼 說 。 誰 不 好 強 呢 ? 其 實 白 羊 座 的 人 仍 會 向 朋 友 吐 苦 水 , 但 真 正 的 眼 淚 , 你 是 看 不 到 的 。一 群 朋 友 , 開 開 心 心 的 , 在 陽 光 下 嬉 耍 , 是 白 羊 座 最 懷 念 的 美 好 時 光 。 悲 鬱 的 人 生 絕 不 是 白 羊 座 的 人 所 嚮 往 的 , 不 幸 陷 入 時 , 他 也 會 極 力 設 法 讓 自 己 不 要 太 相 信 會 就 這 麼 過 一 生 , 他 全 心 希 望 有 一 個 新 生 活 。

愛 恨 分 明 不 吃 回 頭 草    

白 羊 座 的 人 愛 恨 分 明 , 愛 就 是 愛 , 恨 就 是 恨 。 不 過 A 型 白 羊 , 對 「 恨 」 這 個 字 眼 沒 多 大 興 趣 , 他 是 不 愛 就 是 不 愛 而 已 。 在 愛 情 上 , 白 羊 是 相 當 乾 脆 的 , 不 喜 拖 泥 帶 水 , 屬 於 行 動 派 , 要 求 立 見 真 章 。 他 們 最 不 能 忍 受 一 廂 情 願 。凡 是 白 羊 決 定 不 要 的 東 西 , 絕 不 會 再 撿 回 來 , 否 則 他 無 顏 面 對 自 己 。 不 吃 回 頭 草 , 也 是 白 羊 座 人 好 強 的 證 據 。 由 於 白 羊 座 對 愛 情 具 有 童 話 格 , 要 求 純 潔 、 唯 一 與 童 稚 心 的 戀 情 , 與 舊 情 人 復 燃 愛 曲 當 然 是 白 羊 座 不 屑 的 。 談 戀 愛 時 , 白 羊 座 的 人 是 不 會 騙 你 的 , 大 可 放 心 。 但 是 他 的 愛 意 來 得 快 , 去 得 快 。 除 非 你 有 超 強 的 吸 引 力 , 一 旦 一 頭 白 羊 陷 入 不 可 自 拔 的 情 網 時 , 你 要 抽 身 , 也 就 很 難 了 。 那 將 會 是 悲 劇 的 下 場 。 你 也 得 不 到 好 處 。

樂 觀 乃 天 性 不 是 不 悲 觀    

白 羊 座 天 性 樂 觀 , 但 長 大 後 遭 遇 到 的 事 了 , 他 們 也 會 悲 觀 到 了 極 點 。 只 不 過 悲 觀 歸 悲 觀 , 既 然 不 想 死 , 活 下 去 就 得 樂 觀 點 , 日 子 才 會 有 趣 些 。 因 此 白 羊 座 的 人 只 不 過 是 不 把 悲 觀 當 一 回 事 , 並 不 是 不 悲 觀 。 而 他 們 樂 觀 的 天 性 極 具 感 染 力 , 你 得 穩 著 點 , 以 免 誤 陷 入 一 塌 糊 塗 的 樂 觀 絕 地 之 中 。 白 羊 行 使 俠 義 的 性 格 , 使 他 能 結 交 許 多 剖 心 相 見 的 朋 友 。 但 是 他 對 朋 友 的 要 求 也 很 高 , 不 少 人 受 不 了 白 羊 座 對 朋 友 的 殷 殷 期 許 。 自 然 啦 , 白 羊 對 情 人 、 對 丈 夫 ( 或 妻 子 ) 、 對 同 事 , 也 都 有 些 標 準 在 心 中 測 量 。 與 標 準 不 符 時 , 他 便 會 覺 沮 喪 、 食 慾 不 振 。 現 實 的 人 永 難 成 為 白 羊 座 人 的 朋 友 。

爆 發 型 的 浪 漫    

白 羊 座 的 人 當 然 是 漫 的 , 但 是 是 屬 於 爆 發 型 的 浪 漫 。 公 羊 、 母 羊 皆 如 此 。 一 點 一 滴 積 出 來 的 浪 漫 , 對 白 羊 座 來 , 強 度 不 夠 , 只 覺 累 贅 、 厚 重 , 這 種 浪 漫 容 易 分 叉 、 斷 裂 。 白 羊 座 喜 歡 在 慶 典 的 夜 晚 , 與 情 人 並 肩 仰 望 煙 火 在 夜 空 中 爆 放 出 光 芒 萬 丈 , 而 那 也 正 象 徵 著 愛 情 發 生 的 瞬 間 , 浪 漫 不 過 了 。當 白 羊 座 處 於 浪 漫 的 瞬 間 , 幾 乎 沒 有 什 麼 事 可 以 挪 動 他 們 的 感 性 。 浪 漫 過 後 他 顯 然 全 已 清 醒 , 接 下 來 端 看 那 瞬 間 爆 發 的 浪 漫 , 到 底 能 在 他 的 記 憶 中 存 留 多 , 久 才 能 知 他 到 底 有 多 在 乎 曾 經 發 生 過 的 感 動 。 因 此 , 你 也 可 以 推 論 出 , 工 作 、 事 業 、 婚 姻 、 友 情 都 不 在 白 羊 浪 漫 的 範 疇 中 , 他 對 這 些 反 是 以 細 水 長 流 的 方 式 經 營 。 「 徒 步 越 過 愛 琴 島 是 可 能 的 , 你 只 要 逐 島 跳 過 去 就 行 了 」嗨 ! 我 在 這 裡 ,不 必 等 到 風 吹 草 低 見 牛 羊 的 那 一 刻 , 你 便 會 遠 遠 看 到 有 隻 羊 在 拚 命 蹬 踢 他 強 健 的 小 蹄 子 , 在 半 空 中 跳 躍 , 向 你 打 招 呼 : 「 嗨 ! 我 在 這 裏 。 」 是 的 , 白 羊 座 的 人 就 是 這 麼 令 人 覺 得 他 開 朗 而 熱 情 。 即 使 他 內 心 是 有 那 麼 一 點 害 羞 , 表 面 上 仍 可 以 很 自 在 、 大 方 。 當 一 頭 白 羊 愁 眉 苦 臉 時 , 只 會 出 現 在 他 家 鏡 子 中 。 他 再 傷 心 , 就 是 不 會 在 別 人 面 擺 出 苦 旦 臉 。 好 強 ﹖ 可 以 這 麼 說 。 誰 不 好 強 呢 ? 其 實 白 羊 座 的 人 仍 會 向 朋 友 吐 苦 水 , 但 真 正 的 眼 淚 , 你 是 看 不 到 的 。 一 群 朋 友 , 開 開 心 心 的 , 在 陽 光 下 嬉 耍 , 是 白 羊 座 最 懷 的 美 好 時 光 。 悲 鬱 的 人 生 絕 不 是 一 頭 白 羊 所 嚮 往 的 , 不 幸 陷 入 時 , 他 也 會 極 力 設 法 讓 自 己 不 要 太 相 信 就 這 麼 過 一 生 , 他 會 全 心 希 望 有 一 個 新 生 活 。

正 經 八 百 的 , 會 要 他 的 命    

白 羊 座 出 現 在 高 貴 、 華 麗 的 場 合 中 , 不 會 顯 得 格 格 不 入 , 但 是 他 自 己 卻 難 受 得 要 命 , 因 為 他 不 能 自 在 地 蹺 二 郎 腿 , 不 能 在 高 興 時 放 浪 形 骸 。 正 經 八 百 的 , 會 要 他 的 命 。     一 般 社 會 上 流 行 的 娛 樂 , 白 羊 座 都 能 欣 然 加 作 , 但 是 他 本 來 就 有 的 獨 特 娛 樂 品 味 也 不 會 放 棄 。 也 就 是 說 怹 很 愛 聽 歌 劇 , 但 也 喜 歡 到 卡 拉 O K 高 歌 一 曲 。 基 本 上 , 白 羊 座 的 是 很 雅 、 俗 共 賞 的 。 他 們 的 適 應 很 強 , 但 又 隨 遇 而 安 。 在 白 羊 的 心 中 總 是 有 一 個 更 好 的 天 堂 在 等 著 他 。 白 羊 座 的 人 對 於 生 命 力 旺 盛 的 人 , 特 別 注 意 。 他 喜 歡 被 專 家 領 導 , 不 會 隨 便 懷 疑 , 一 旦 懷 疑 便 打 入 十 八 層 地 獄 。 而 他 成 為 專 家 時 , 也 不 要 隨 便 懷 疑 他 , 如 果 你 不 能 拿 出 令 他 心 服 口 服 的 證 據 , 你 將 永 不 能 再 從 他 那 裏 得 到 訓 誨 。

若 不 能 舉 足 輕 重 , 寧 可 自 動 消 失    

白 羊 座 的 人 常 因 過 度 自 信 而 衝 動 行 事 , 又 因 衝 動 行 事 失 敗 而 自 毀 信 心 。 對 白 羊 座 的 人 來 說 , 三 思 而 後 行 是 比 較 好 的 。 在 一 個 團 體 中 , 白 羊 座 若 不 能 舉 足 輕 重 , 他 寧 可 自 動 消 失 , 並 且 不 會 以 任 何 藉 口 。 消 失 就 消 失 了 , 這 裏 不 是 我 的 王 國 , 他 把 自 己 在 團 體 中 的 角 色 看 得 很 重 , 相 對 地 也 願 意 承 擔 更 多 的 責 任 , 他 不 會 認 為 自 己 可 以 不 勞 而 獲 。 一 旦 勞 了 還 是 沒 有 獲 得 的 時 候 就 絕 不 戀 棧 。他 的 自 尊 心 強 , 你 的 一 句 「 老 實 說 」 會 傷 他 的 心 許 久 。 如 果 你 問 他 會 不 會 表 演 空 中 飛 人 , 他 心 中 盤 算 自 己 應 可 勝 任 , 便 會 點 頭 , 答 應 你 一 個 後 的 表 演 , 這 一 個 月 中 他 就 會 勤 加 苦 練 。 而 對 於 自 己 沒 有 把 握 的 事 , 白 羊 座 的 人 是 不 至 於 去 強 出 頭 的 。

愛 情 是 一 生 中 最 大 的 課 題    

白 羊 是 很 容 易 不 耐 煩 的 。 在 戀 愛 中 , 你 得 把 那 些 小 把 戲 收 藏 起 來 , 他 可 受 不 了 什 麼 「 考 驗 」 之 類 的 事 。 既 然 愛 他 就 應 該 信 任 他 。 不 管 公 羊 、 母 羊 , 他 們 對 愛 情 都 是 十 分 認 真 的 。 對 他 們 來 說 , 愛 情 有 兩 種 , 一 種 是 真 的 , 一 種 是 假 的 。 假 情 愛 情 , 極 易 發 生 在 衝 動 而 善 感 的 白 羊 座 身 上 , 但 很 快 會 結 束 , 並 且 會 像 是 從 未 發 生 過 。 真 正 的 愛 情 , 是 白 羊 座 一 生 中 最 大 的 課 題 , 他 總 覺 得 這 個 課 題 怎 麼 寫 也 寫 不 完 整 。友 情 與 情 是 白 羊 座 不 可 或 缺 的 兩 大 支 柱 。 當 愛 情 沒 著 落 時 , 他 們 可 靠 著 這 兩 大 支 柱 中 的 任 一 項 , 發 展 他 的 事 業 。 即 使 他 十 七 歲 時 就 有 了 結 婚 的 對 象 , 但 到 了 七 十 歲 若 未 結 婚 , 他 也 仍 在 心 中 保 有 一 個 結 婚 對 象 , 這 是 他 的 樂 天 知 命 所 使 然 。

相 信 小 精 靈 的 孩 子    

僅 管 白 羊 座 的 人 長 得 人 高 馬 大 , 他 仍 是 個 孩 子 , 他 一 直 保 有 天 真 的 一 面 , 即 使 長 大 了 , 他 還 是 相 信 世 界 上 有 小 精 靈 的 存 在 。 有 時 白 羊 座 的 人 相 當 幼 稚 , 可 是 他 絕 不 是 不 聰 明 , 他 的 反 應 可 快 得 很 呢 ! 他 有 帶 頭 當 第 一 的 強 烈 欲 望 , 做 第 二 免 談 。 所 以 他 做 起 事 來 動 作 很 快 , 甚 少 優 柔 寡 斷 。 他 非 常 自 信 , 深 信 自 己 處 理 事 務 的 能 力 無 人 可 及 。 他 也 從 不 向 命 運 低 頭 , 僅 管 挫 折 一 次 又 一 次 的 出 現 。 他 信 任 所 有 的 人 , 很 少 會 去 懷 疑 別 人 是 否 會 對 他 不 利 , 而 他 的 勇 敢 也 使 他 能 不 斷 地 站 在 最 前 面 。 與 白 羊 座 的 人 相 處 時 , 你 必 須 注 意 一 些 重 要 的 關 鍵 , 他 是 個 喜 歡 爭 先 的 人 , 這 是 所 有 白 羊 座 的 天 性 , 所 以 有 時 你 必 須 要 有 心 理 準 備 。 他 說 話 或 做 事 都 相 當 直 接 , 很 少 會 跟 你 拐 彎 抹 角 , 他 也 相 當 誠 實 , 只 要 一 說 謊 就 很 容 易 被 人 察 覺 。 他 是 個 不 擅 處 理 細 節 的 人 , 所 以 , 如 果 你 想 請 他 處 理 些 較 細 微 的 工 做 的 話 , 倒 不 如 自 己 做 還 來 的 恰 當 些 。


I believe there's already a path set-up for all of us to go through...may be it is called fate, and that, God would guide us through it.

But what if....

I do not walk the path that God has created for me. Instead, I choose to create a path of my own... a more winding one. Would God still help me to get through the tough challenges I will face?

I don't have an answer to my silly question at the moment, but I believe...God would answer my prayer.

9 March 2007

A couple more weeks left

I have 7 weeks left until I go back to Hong Kong. I have finally popped-in to the rental agent and sorted out the notices.... and inventory checks. Called all of the utility companies to cancel payments.

Suddenly, I realised that... it take a long time to build up /set-up things, but it only takes a few minutes to demolish everything.

-- This leads to another important thing in our lives....

For a relationship to work, it takes a long time for two people to build up trust between each other, don't let small things ruin the long-built relationship, it doesn't worth it!!!

Another book....

I think I must me quite desperate to read more books these days.... I think I am going back to my old self... a book worm??!!

Violin books 4 U

Spotted the music theory books in the store today... they are the ones that I use when I started learning piano... they are exactly the ones that I used 21 years ago (Good things never need to change!!) And I thought it is better to stick to The Royal Schools of Music.
I hope you will find them useful.

Message from God

"Love is eternal." - Collins chapter 13.8

"愛...是永不止息." - 哥林多前書13:8


I have always wanted to read this book - "Faust" - by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe. And I found this book in the bookstore today... so I bought it!!

6 March 2007

silly you

Silly sunflower,

Forget about those silly little thoughts, I am not going to let you go.

Don't even think about getting rid of me like this, alright?

5 March 2007


賣大包.... post 相你看啦!!! 知道你非常想念你的potatoe.

刺青 (Spiderlilies)


I reckon this would be a great film...

4 March 2007


Moved from my old blog.... makes things more managable

同 志 . 戀 人


How would you react to this programme if you are a heterosexual? How would you react, if you are a bisexual? And how would you react, if you are a homosexual?
Is it bias? Is it untruthful? Is it 'promoting' homosexuality? Is it inappropriate? Or is it just a reflection of what is going on in the our society (i.e. minority group in HK)?
Is homosexuality such a forbidden topic in the modern society? Or are we just limiting ourselves to see or to accept what is outside the norm - the majority moral believe?
Is our society breaching the basic human rights? Discriminating the minority group? If homosexuality is not being classified as a phycological disorder scientifically, why are we still forbidden to talk about it in public, in this case, the government sponsored television programme? Where is our freedom of speech?

HOMOSEXUALITY.....is just a matter of how much Hong Kong society can accept this sensitive topic at this stage.
And personally, I believe homosexual couples would be able to get married in a couple of years time.
It is just a matter of moral evolution...

Do you know why i call myself 石頭人?



難道妳不知道, 我真的好想娶妳!!!!
I am just waiting for the perfect moment, silly sunflower


遇見你, 愛上你...

Enneagram - 九型性格

umm... 看來... 我有點...人格分裂


I promise I will take good care of myself during the Lent period.
Don't worry





Miss you

Sweetheart, I miss you.

.... Ryan misses you as well


Goal for the rest of my life is.....



I am lost in these silly thoughts & these weird dreams.....

The Sound of Music

"The Sound of Music".... it is the first movie introduced by my mum when I was about 6 or 7 years old, and I fell in love with this movie ever since.
I have watch this over and over again in the past couple of years (I think I will never get sick of watching it), and now... I cannot believe I am humming one of the songs almost every night to my lovely partner......
alright... the lyrics is for you, my lovely sunflower.

Edelweiss, EdelweissEvery morning you greet meSmall and white, clean and brightYou look happy to meet meBlossom of snow may you bloom and growBloom and grow foreverEdelweiss, EdelweissBless my homeland forever


It is snowing out there at the moment (23/1/07 21:48 Norwich-UK).I was just going to the kitchen, and when I looked out from the window... it's white everywhere...
Got myself a cup of tea... and then I was looking out.... it is quite a beautiful scene... white walkways, with a couple of foot-marks on the ground, the grass and the shrubs covered with a thick layer of snow, all the cars are covered.... it is very bright out there, I guess it is the reflection of the snow which makes it bright and clear!!! And I thought, wouldn't be nice if you are still with me, it would be just perfect!!
Then..suddenly, I felt really really lonely....I just wish I can share the beautiful scene with you.

Storm, heavy rain & possibly snow..... coming soon!

Last Updated: Thursday, 18 January 2007, 18:07 GMT
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Seven dead as UK struck by storms

Heavy rain and gusts have swept across much of the UKSeven people have died, travel has been severely disrupted and thousands of homes have been left without power as gales and heavy downpours hit the UK.
A two-year-old boy died when a wall fell on him in Kentish Town, London.
Four other people died in road-related accidents in North Yorkshire, Berkshire, Shropshire and Cheshire, and two were killed in Greater Manchester.
Gusts of up to 70mph have seen flights cancelled, rail speed restrictions enforced and sections of motorway shut.
A two-year-old boy in Kentish Town, north London
Richard Heard, Birmingham Airport chief, in Shropshire
A car passenger in Streatley, Berkshire
A lorry driver in Skipton, North Yorkshire
A man in his car in Chester
A woman in her 60s in Stockport, Greater Manchester
A man in the Strangeways area of Manchester
In pictures: Windy weather
In pictures: Europe's storms
The managing director of Birmingham Airport, Richard Heard, 49, died after a branch fell on his car between Bridgnorth and Broseley, Shropshire. A male passenger in a Ford Fiesta was killed when a tree fell on the car in Streatley, Berkshire.
And a lorry driver died when his vehicle left the road and overturned in high winds on the A629 Skipton western bypass, in North Yorkshire.
A man was killed when a lorry was blown onto his car on the A55 on the outskirts of Chester, Cheshire.
In Stockport, Greater Manchester, a woman in her 60s was crushed to death when a wall toppled onto her in high winds.
We can see parked cars moving in the wind and lamp posts swaying
Myra Davis, Swansea
Send us your comments
A man also died after being blown into a metal shutter at an industrial estate in the Strangeways area of Manchester.
While England experienced high winds, Scotland has seen its first major snowfalls of 2007.
The weather has been causing problems across the country, including:
Some 100,000 people have been affected by power cuts in the Godalming area of Surrey.
More than 30,000 electricity customers across the north east of England, Yorkshire and northern Lincolnshire were without power
More than 60,000 homes in Lancashire and the south Lake District were without power after lines were damages
More than 25,000 homes lost electricity in Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire
Scottish Power said around 30,000 homes were without electricity in Cheshire and mid and north Wales due to the adverse weather
Thousands of homes have been left without power in an area from Oxford to Poole and Chichester, the North East and across Central's Midlands' network
Lord's Cricket Ground in London was left strewn with debris after winds damaged its roof
In Kent, Dover port has reopened, and the M25 Dartford river crossing and the Sheppey Crossing were shut
There was snow and ice in County Durham, where part of the A68 at Tow Law was closed for a short time after lorries and cars skidded into ditches
Strong winds have brought down part of a roof onto a busy shopping street in Hereford city centre
Twenty-six mariners have been rescued from a damaged British container ship in the English Channel 50 miles (80km) off the Lizard in Cornwall
There were 192 flights cancelled at Heathrow, 39 cancellations across Scotland, five at Southampton and two at Stansted. Cardiff also saw flights scrapped. More than 80 flights at Manchester were cancelled. Flights from Liverpool John Lennon Airport were suspended for a time.
On the roads, the Highways Agency said both the M48 Severn Bridge and the A282 Dartford crossing were closed due to high winds.
The M25 junctions 29 to 30 were closed in both directions as were the M1 junctions 30 to 31, M11 junctions 6 to 10 and M18 junctions 4 to 7.
Network Rail said 50mph speed restrictions were in place across the whole of England and Wales.
London Bridge station closed for the rest of the day after glass panels fell onto the concourse.
Virgin Trains cancelled all services on the West Coast route, and First Great Western was forced to run a shuttle service between Paddington and Reading.
Cold snap
Forecasters said wind speeds in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, would pick up throughout the day, reaching 60 to 70mph in some parts and 80mph on high ground.

Scotland has seen its first major snowfalls of the year
South and west facing coastlines were expected to bear the brunt of the storms.
Central Scotland Police said several cars became stuck in snow on the A809 near Killearn, while Strathclyde has seen snow on the M74 south of Hamilton, Lanarkshire.
The Highways Agency has advised all motorists to take extra care and to plan their routes in advance.
Friday is expected to be calmer but the country could be facing a cold snap next week.
Despite an unusually mild start to January, forecasters have warned that temperatures are likely to plummet beyond the weekend.

算命...人生? believe it or not?


To be honest, I don't quite believe in this, but... anyway.. it's just something interesting to know


Counting down

umm... how many sundays have I got left until I head back to Hong Kong? I still have 15 Sundays to finish my contract... well... I better blink my eyes even more, so that time flies faster!!!
I am looking forward to leave.

Back from Rome

Went to Rome and Vatican for a long weekend... It is amazing....Rome and the Vatican has always been the dream place I wanted to go for a very long time.
Going to the Holy City, is like a dream come true for a Catholic. And there I was, finally standing in the St Peter Square, looking at the St Peter Basilica. I felt...completed. It was a strange feeling. And when I got into the St Peter Basilica, I was stunned by the peacefullness I felt there. I felt calm...it was a feeling I have never felt before!!
After my trip to the Vatican city, I walked to the other attractions like the Pantheon, Colosseum, Piazza Spanda, Piazza Novona... etc. And I had a couple of nice Italian coffee, and of course Italian food, and they were supurb!!

(N.B. Nearly got pick-pocket)


It is my promise to you that, I would...
love you until the day I die
take care of you for the rest of my life
share our lives together, no matter how hard the road would be in the future

I am 100% certain that I will to share the rest of my life with you, my dear Yvonne. I understand that it is a bit of a rough road ahead for both of us. But together, we will get through it.

Happy New Year - 2007

Happy New Year to everybody. Wish you all a prosperous 2007!

Stressed?.... it is just the beginning

I am feeling a bit stressed lately.... I have just been organising myself on information about registering as a pharmacist in Hong Kong. The more I read about it, the more I am stressed.
I have to sit and pass THREE exams in order to get registered. And knowing myself... I am not exactly the exam genius.... in fact... I absolutely hate sitting exams... and I hate to fail the exams.... but again, I like the challenge it gives me as well.... (typical of me!!)
I guess I really need to study hard for the exams... but I better enjoy my holiday first!! Then, after my lovely holiday in December, I better train myself as if I am in the military camp....
As I said... it is just the beginning

Achievement of the day

Whoa... I have done 3 medicine use reviews today..... I think I am ahead of the other teams... but I shouldn't slow down, otherwise they will catch me up soon.
7 more to go!!!!

...umm....I think I am converting the energy of missing my partner to getting more medicine use reviews (MURs) done.. Is it a good thing? Or is it a bag thing?

Meeting with team manager

Well.... soon after my review from yesterday, I have organized a meeting with my team manager, to work out plans to improve our dispensary procedures. (I must say... this is very efficient of me!!)
Basically, can't really do much at this stage because the store manager doesn't really want to change anything before the end of year. But we did worked out some solutions to help with communication issues, and decided to hold up the weekly meeting.
I am actually quite surprised that they have no idea how to set up systems for meetings, have no idea what it is about, have no template for the meeting minutes, how it is suppose to work, and it is such a BIG organization!!! I guess I really have to work hard to get the message through, to my team (so that when I leave for good, they know what to do) and to convince the store manager that we must continue with the weekly meeting. (She was going to cancel the weekly meeting, can you imagine that?)
Thus I found out that, before I came onboard to become a permanent pharmacist there, it was really a big mess! HONESTLY! No organizational skills, no communications, and no systems at all!!! And the team manager actually was hoping I will stay there forever, so that the place will be organized. Haha!!!
I guess I have to write down how I am going to tackle this 'disorganized organizations'... how ridiculous!!
It will definitely be a big challenge for me


Had a review with my two managers... quite a nice review I have had.... based on performance and achievements....
Went through quite a few issues involving my dispensary environment and worked out solutions for quite a few problems as well. I am quite satisfy with the outcomes.
And of course, the most important thing is that both of my managers recognised my contributions towards the company (after a short 6 months) and therefore, they are promoting me to become a consultant pharmacist. (sounded quite good for my CV - but... too bad... will have to wait until next year for a pay-rise.... and by then, I'll be long gone. But that doesn't matter. )
My goals for the rest of the year (ending in March) is to be the best known pharmacist to have done the most medicine use reviews on my beloved patients, helped my dispensary staffs to become the best team within the group, and of course, help all my staffs to get the incentives and the highest pay-rise we could get!! - I think my goals are easily achievable!!
I feel that I have achieved something great so far in these short six months, and that I have learnt quite a lot, both personally and professionally, got appreciation from my two bosses. What more can I ask for? Being a pharmacist is always what I wanted, and I love my job, and I get the self-appreciation while I am on the job anyway. Thus, in the end, I have gained quite a lot than what I expected, which is better than any other rewards!!)

Got the job!!!! Yeah

When I was told that you have got the job, I was so happy that I want to hug you and kiss you right away (unfortunately, i wasn't beside you).
Yvonne babe, I am so proud of you. And I am glad that you have got the job you really like.
Don't worry about me, I will drop you off to work, pick you up for lunch and pick you up after work. I promise. I will make myself busy that way, and to be honest, I think I will really enjoy that... and of course being a house-wife.
Muah... muah... muah...
(I am so excited for you that I kept smiling like a silly person at work today)

When I am feeling down

When I am feeling down, I have to tell myself ' it will be over soon'.
When I am feeling down, I have to tell myself.... 'you better start counting down the days'
When I am feeling down, I have to tell myself...' you better start packing up your things and get ready to fly over'
When I am feeling down, I look at the pictures and videos that we have taken together, they made me feel better
When I am feeling down, I have to be strong... because I know that it is just a temporary thing....
I know that...after these tough days, I'll see my angel waiting for me on the other side....
There's always light in the end of the tunnel. Never give up my faith!!



I went to my family friend's wedding in London yesterday. It was a very nice wedding reception, met the groom finally, quite a nice guy. And my friend was wearing a very nice wedding gown. And suddenly, that made me realised.... the most beautiful thing that could happen to a girl is that...she is marring the man she loves, and in her beautiful wedding gown!! I could see the happiness in my friends' eyes. That is the moment of determination, the moment of foreverness.

Then I wondered how Yvonne would look like in a wedding gown... it was just a thought... and would I be lucky enough to be the person in her eyes at that particular moment?

Trip to Milan


-Caught the earliest flight to Milan-Bergamo Airport. Bergamo is a small airport, but it is not too far away from the city of Milano

- Took the airport shuttle to the Statione Centro

- Met up my two friends in Milan. Apparently, they have already done heaps of shopping the day before I arrived. They have been to Prada, Gucci... etc... you name them, they've probably been there!!

- Then, decided to have a very nice Italian lunch, so we went to this posh restaurant and I had a salad called San Remo

- Finally, I was shown how to take the metro (underground train), and we went to Duomo, there's the Duomo Cathedral, and Piazza Duomo

- Those two girls just went crazy with their camers when we got there, started taking a couple of pictures and then the nice shops finally caught their attention and there we go... shopping!!!

-We basically shopped the whole day and the girls just couldn't get enough. We went to almost every single shop.... and of course my friends came out with bunches of stuffs in the hands.

-After all the shopping, we decided to have dinner (by the time, it was almost 8pm) and we went to this Italian Restaurant which my friends said it is always packed of people, and that it must be quite a nice place to have dinner.

- We ordered a salami piazza, seafood spaghetti, a salad and a bottle of red wine. God... that wine is a very good wine. Me and my friend just finished the whole bottle between the two of us.

The one thing I noticed when I was shopping in Milan, is that Italian (or Milanian) seem to love shopping with their dogs. Normally, dogs won't be allowed into any shops... but you can see people taking their dogs into those Gucci ... Prada shops... I think it is just eye-opening. And Italian men... oh... they are quite good looking and well dressed.... and they love shopping as well... I could see quite a lot of guys shopping with their dogs as well. I guess shopping with dogs is just another fashion statment in Milano.

Talking about those shops... all the shops in Milan are just hugh... and just a Zara store would have at least 5 stories... so you can imagine the other shops... but regardless of the size of the shop... they are still packed with people and their dogs!!

The trip to Milan is an eye opening experience, but I would really like to go there with my partner, Yvonne. When I was there shopping with my friends, I could just imagine how excited Yvonne would be when she sees all those things...... and I am sure I will bring her there one day.

[轉帖]Khalil Gibran的作品﹕什么是愛

Khalil Gibran非常生動地描述了愛情:愛情可以給您帶上皇冠,也可以送您去斷頭台。愛情會滋潤你成長,也會斷送您而使您滅亡。愛情會攀登您生命之樹的最高一枝,而情吻您受陽光之普育而心奮的枝葉。愛情也同樣會占据生命中最深之處,斷除您生命之根基,使您离開本土。











What am I?

You have a total boy brain
Logical and detailed, you
tend to look at the facts
And while your emotions do sway you
You never like to get feelings too


Finally..... it's been six months since we have arrived UK.
When me and Yvonne went to London this Saturday, I didn't really feel that she is going to leave this place. I knew she needs to go. Today, when I finally had to send her off to the airport, saw her checking in at the counter, walked her to the departure gate....I suddenly felt that... this is 'IT'---- I finally had to say goodbye to her.
I knew I will see her again when I go back to HK in December, I knew it is just a short time away from each other...I knew I shouldn't feel sad about all this... but I am!
We have been through so many things together. Like....arriving in the UK, getting ourselves to the hotel in Beccles, , getting a flat in Norwich, buying a car, getting to London, shopping for groceries, having a cup of coffee on our lazy sundays, travelling around UK, going to Santorini together... We did all these things together!!!!
And when I had to take the airport express back to London city, take the underground, then take the train back to Norwich... I felt that there's something missing... I am missing Yvonne by my side.
Although Yvonne is gone... for a short while... I will still have to live the best of my life... and be strong for Yvonne. I promise.

I am in love with Santorini

Spent a week in one of the Greek Islands - Santorini Island. And I am just so in love with the place... and I didn't want to come back!!...

I have uploaded some pictures on my photo section.... feel free to check it out!!

Trip to Santorini, Greece

I am getting more excited these days as it is just about 7 days until me and my partner head off to Greece.
The place we are going is called Santorini (仙度雲尼島) in Greece, and staying at a small town called Perissa, which is in the South East of the Santorini Island. I am looking forward to watch the sunset in Oia (pronounce as Ee-ar 伊亞 ), because the sunset is 'the best' in the world. Looking from the steep hill in Oia over to the volcano, with the deep blue colour of the Aegean Sea. I think it will be superb!!


"How do you solve a problem like Maria?"

Just a while ago, I was just watching an english TV show called 'How do you solve a problem like Maria?'
The show was about auditing a group of young girls and judge who can be the Maria Von Trapp in the Sound of Music- starring in the London West-End theatre.
It just happened to be the semi-final of the show, the judges were just commenting on one of the 'Maria' Siohban "Beautiful Maria" and Andrew Lloyd Webber commented Siohban as "delicious".....
THEN..... my lovely partner, Yvonne, asked if I find her 'delicious'?.........

to be honest, I find her more 'mouth- watering' than delicious!!!

(FINALLY... the show ended with Connie being "the Maria".... Congrad.!!


"無理由架. 郵差叔叔今日咁懶惰, 派得一次信...今日星期五播, 又唔係weekend, 應該仲有信收架?"

我話: "物寶貝而家咁貪心架!!!"

跟住我就話: "寶貝:我愛妳! 寶貝豬上"
當必要時, 我會靜靜地離開, 在你生命中消失。
是因為太愛你, 所以要放手。

I am back... from Sydney

Whoa... I couldn't believe that I am back from Sydney, back from my dream and back to reality. I had the most wonderful days there with my angel.
We went to Paddy's market, Taronga Zoo, The Sydney Botanical Garden, The Blue Mountains, Sydney Opera House, The Rock, Darling Harbour... and I felt like we didn't have enough time to spend with each other, although we stayed there for 5 days. {Sigh} No wonder some people says, when you have a good time, you feel like time flies.
God.... I think I am still dreaming and I wish I will never wake up from this dream.

Counting down

umm.... I have 3 and a half days until I fly over to Sydney. And from Monday-Thursday morning, I better finish off my work before I have my holiday (which means.... I will be working 13 hours per day)..... muahahahaha...... how nice

I am so broke

After 2 days of continous shopping (during the weekend), I have to declare myself to me broke!!
Ok.... what did I buy these 2 days? err.... sleeping bag, sleeping bag liner and a mobile phone.
.... I better work very very hard this coming week.

Shopping spree

Muahahahah..... I went shopping with my friends this afternoon. Yeah.... Kathmandu is still having a sale, and all of us bought a down feather sleeping bag, my friend bought a big luggage bag and another friend bought a really nice backpack!!!!
Why are we shopping for these kind of stuffs? Coz' we are going to UK together. And we are planning for the back-packing style!! That's why!!
God.... I am getting so excited about the big OE for next year. I am so looking forward to it.


My manager just offered me a deal to stay on-board. It sounds like a pretty good deal, pay rise, pay for my post-graduate studies, return airfares to UK for 6 weeks registration.
The package sounds good.
Shall I take it? Or shall I not?


在我們的生命旅程中﹐最常會遇到的是我們的生命過客。有些...會出現得很長久﹐ 一直陪伴著我們成長﹐一直陪伴我們走﹐直到走到最後。有些...出現得很短暫﹐消失得很快...但他們所留下的足印﹐卻令我們一生難忘。