27 September 2005
25 September 2005
你有很好的平衡感,偏重邏輯式的思考方式。在想要某東西之前,都會冷靜的判斷自己的經濟能力。你不會勉強的貸一筆鉅款去買房子。你是一個在心智上完全臻於成熟的人。每天精神奕奕、充滿自信,同時又很受到朋 友們的信賴。但是相對地,你對日常生活乃至人生的態度稍嫌嚴肅了一點。或許是因為 你給別人的印象就是如此,而你也刻意地去表現出這一面。不過,如果你能更加任性點 ,偶而輕鬆一下,不要固執地想要一直去扮演完人的角色。說不定反而能提高你的聲望也說不定。 你是那種即使明知道吵架是自己的不對,但還是 有意無意會把責任推給對方,彆扭地不想認錯,你是那種稍微低頭也不是很願意的類型。你是個很浪漫的人,生活態度也像夢般的虛幻。對錢很不在意,只有在感覺錢是很重要的時候,才會加以儲蓄。對金錢的運用漫不經心,常會丟掉錢包,借給別人的錢也常常會忘記。由於你浪漫的個性,所以不要等到要救急時才存錢,更要有計畫的管理錢財,這樣對你才會有幫助。你是一個有自信的人,雖然你不是做到態度上的咄咄逼人,可是只要你堅持一個想法,無論別人如何去唆使、蠱惑你,你都不為所動,不過這不代表你是剛愎自用的,相反的,你很喜歡聽到別人對你的建言,是一個很不錯的人喲!你肯定是那種大哥大或大姊大級的人物,見到別人侵犯你的權益,或是惹了你身邊的小嘍囉,那你絕對會馬上挺身而出,傾全力討回公道。不過你也是會英雄惜英雄,假使只是場小誤會,等到風波過去,你會將對方當做是知交一般看待,是個很有風度的敵人。你是心地非常善良的人,但與人相處時為了不想暴露自己的缺點而設了一道防線,所以有時會被人誤會為不容易親近之人,雖然朋友不多,但能擁有深厚友誼。再者有優秀的數字能力,能在理工上一展長才。你非常重視人際關係 喜歡照顧別人.對於他人的一舉一動非常注意.你很具有社交性格朋友也很多 而且個性很開放,在戀愛方面也是相當浪漫,容易與對方一見鍾情,很會營造氣氛,讓戀情可以進行的很順利。還有,你脾氣變化無常,有興趣時,能認真踏實做下去,一旦失去興趣,就會對所做的事感到莫明其妙,予以放棄。
你在感情上是充滿安全感的人,在朋友中深的人緣,從不與人有正面衝突,總是盡可能包容別人,你相信人與人能和平共處,極少無意義的打擾別人,朋友也不會過度打擾你,生活過的悠然自得。暗戀是你最拿手的戀愛方式!永遠只在遠遠的地方看著心儀的人,幻想著有一天他會主動來約你.愛他就要勇敢說出來!加油唷。你一但真的愛上對方就會變的有點痴呆,可以說是對戀愛的掌控度非常不拿手,雖然你平常能夠很厲害的抓住異性的心,可是,一但在心儀的對象面前,就會變的有點笨手笨腳;而且會因為太緊張,而無法表達自己,不過這也許就是你可愛的地方也說不一定。在一旁等到沒人時才上前去欣賞那幅畫,正是屬於等候型的人。這種人只會傻傻的等待机會上門,不會自己去尋找,因此常有眼睜睜看著心上人被人搶走的經驗,真可憐!你喜歡的人很多嘴,有時你覺得囉嗦,離開又覺得寂寞,因此你很快的將愛表露出來。男性會喜歡修長,大眼而眼神如男性般有神采的女人。你的個性還蠻活潑的,對於感情,也比較傾向直來直往的方式,所以,你的感情常在哥兒們環境醞釀,和情人一起,就有如和朋友一樣輕鬆自然,是對打打鬧鬧的歡喜冤家。你外表看起來像是溫馴的小綿羊,不會做出傷人的事,但相處一久,就可以發現,在你純潔的羊皮之下,是一顆熾熱的心。因為你這樣愛到深處無怨尤的性格,才會那麼在乎對方,時刻都想黏在一起,是屬於隱性透明的強力膠。你會因愛人的言行舉止,而產生許多迷惑,你不能肯定他是否真心愛你,也不知道愛情會延續多久,所以你時常為了這個問題而煩惱不安,其實你不必這麼懷疑對方,應該以信心和誠意來對待他,才能共創永恆的愛情。基本上你算是很專情的,只是你好像不太願意去承認這些事,只把這種愛慕放在心裡,面對性時,你只是像個孩子一樣,雖然笨拙,但也純真得可愛!你給異性的感覺是個喜歡交朋友的人,所以跟你較相近的對象也應該是個悠然自得、懂得享受愛情的人。你們兩人很可能成為令人近羨的鴛鴦夫妻。在交往的時候你會有結婚的念頭,尤其是選婆婆的意味更濃。因此,以結婚為前提之下,會努力地去尋覓另一半。你的醋勁不算太大,但是偶爾會疾火中燒,不過不是很強烈,不過忍耐太久 就會有爆發的可能。
人際關係你天生愛自由,富冒險精神,極具勇氣。在有學識和才幹的條件下,往往甘願冒犯險境,難度愈高愈想挑戰。此外,喜歡獨立行事,能寓 工作於娛樂,卻不能長時間安於一份工作。由於頭腦靈活多變,創作力強,是從事廣告或設計的理想人選。你很懂得生活享受,無論是苦是甜都能出箇中滋味。你狂狷的性格總為自己帶來一點麻煩,惹得別人對你的死硬脾氣有點感冒。人家覺得不是很重要的小節,在你眼中,可是了不得的大事,要是觸犯了你的禁忌,十年不相往來是很有可能發生的事。雖說如此,你對於合得來的知交,卻是好得不得了,願意以寶劍相贈知己,出手闊綽,令人咋舌。你在交朋友是一個大好人,但是與朋友在一起的時候會有一面倒的趨勢,小心不要讓別人覺得你在搞小團體。
你有很好的平衡感,偏重邏輯式的思考方式。在想要某東西之前,都會冷靜的判斷自己的經濟能力。你不會勉強的貸一筆鉅款去買房子。你是一個在心智上完全臻於成熟的人。每天精神奕奕、充滿自信,同時又很受到朋 友們的信賴。但是相對地,你對日常生活乃至人生的態度稍嫌嚴肅了一點。或許是因為 你給別人的印象就是如此,而你也刻意地去表現出這一面。不過,如果你能更加任性點 ,偶而輕鬆一下,不要固執地想要一直去扮演完人的角色。說不定反而能提高你的聲望也說不定。 你是那種即使明知道吵架是自己的不對,但還是 有意無意會把責任推給對方,彆扭地不想認錯,你是那種稍微低頭也不是很願意的類型。你是個很浪漫的人,生活態度也像夢般的虛幻。對錢很不在意,只有在感覺錢是很重要的時候,才會加以儲蓄。對金錢的運用漫不經心,常會丟掉錢包,借給別人的錢也常常會忘記。由於你浪漫的個性,所以不要等到要救急時才存錢,更要有計畫的管理錢財,這樣對你才會有幫助。你是一個有自信的人,雖然你不是做到態度上的咄咄逼人,可是只要你堅持一個想法,無論別人如何去唆使、蠱惑你,你都不為所動,不過這不代表你是剛愎自用的,相反的,你很喜歡聽到別人對你的建言,是一個很不錯的人喲!你肯定是那種大哥大或大姊大級的人物,見到別人侵犯你的權益,或是惹了你身邊的小嘍囉,那你絕對會馬上挺身而出,傾全力討回公道。不過你也是會英雄惜英雄,假使只是場小誤會,等到風波過去,你會將對方當做是知交一般看待,是個很有風度的敵人。你是心地非常善良的人,但與人相處時為了不想暴露自己的缺點而設了一道防線,所以有時會被人誤會為不容易親近之人,雖然朋友不多,但能擁有深厚友誼。再者有優秀的數字能力,能在理工上一展長才。你非常重視人際關係 喜歡照顧別人.對於他人的一舉一動非常注意.你很具有社交性格朋友也很多 而且個性很開放,在戀愛方面也是相當浪漫,容易與對方一見鍾情,很會營造氣氛,讓戀情可以進行的很順利。還有,你脾氣變化無常,有興趣時,能認真踏實做下去,一旦失去興趣,就會對所做的事感到莫明其妙,予以放棄。
你在感情上是充滿安全感的人,在朋友中深的人緣,從不與人有正面衝突,總是盡可能包容別人,你相信人與人能和平共處,極少無意義的打擾別人,朋友也不會過度打擾你,生活過的悠然自得。暗戀是你最拿手的戀愛方式!永遠只在遠遠的地方看著心儀的人,幻想著有一天他會主動來約你.愛他就要勇敢說出來!加油唷。你一但真的愛上對方就會變的有點痴呆,可以說是對戀愛的掌控度非常不拿手,雖然你平常能夠很厲害的抓住異性的心,可是,一但在心儀的對象面前,就會變的有點笨手笨腳;而且會因為太緊張,而無法表達自己,不過這也許就是你可愛的地方也說不一定。在一旁等到沒人時才上前去欣賞那幅畫,正是屬於等候型的人。這種人只會傻傻的等待机會上門,不會自己去尋找,因此常有眼睜睜看著心上人被人搶走的經驗,真可憐!你喜歡的人很多嘴,有時你覺得囉嗦,離開又覺得寂寞,因此你很快的將愛表露出來。男性會喜歡修長,大眼而眼神如男性般有神采的女人。你的個性還蠻活潑的,對於感情,也比較傾向直來直往的方式,所以,你的感情常在哥兒們環境醞釀,和情人一起,就有如和朋友一樣輕鬆自然,是對打打鬧鬧的歡喜冤家。你外表看起來像是溫馴的小綿羊,不會做出傷人的事,但相處一久,就可以發現,在你純潔的羊皮之下,是一顆熾熱的心。因為你這樣愛到深處無怨尤的性格,才會那麼在乎對方,時刻都想黏在一起,是屬於隱性透明的強力膠。你會因愛人的言行舉止,而產生許多迷惑,你不能肯定他是否真心愛你,也不知道愛情會延續多久,所以你時常為了這個問題而煩惱不安,其實你不必這麼懷疑對方,應該以信心和誠意來對待他,才能共創永恆的愛情。基本上你算是很專情的,只是你好像不太願意去承認這些事,只把這種愛慕放在心裡,面對性時,你只是像個孩子一樣,雖然笨拙,但也純真得可愛!你給異性的感覺是個喜歡交朋友的人,所以跟你較相近的對象也應該是個悠然自得、懂得享受愛情的人。你們兩人很可能成為令人近羨的鴛鴦夫妻。在交往的時候你會有結婚的念頭,尤其是選婆婆的意味更濃。因此,以結婚為前提之下,會努力地去尋覓另一半。你的醋勁不算太大,但是偶爾會疾火中燒,不過不是很強烈,不過忍耐太久 就會有爆發的可能。
人際關係你天生愛自由,富冒險精神,極具勇氣。在有學識和才幹的條件下,往往甘願冒犯險境,難度愈高愈想挑戰。此外,喜歡獨立行事,能寓 工作於娛樂,卻不能長時間安於一份工作。由於頭腦靈活多變,創作力強,是從事廣告或設計的理想人選。你很懂得生活享受,無論是苦是甜都能出箇中滋味。你狂狷的性格總為自己帶來一點麻煩,惹得別人對你的死硬脾氣有點感冒。人家覺得不是很重要的小節,在你眼中,可是了不得的大事,要是觸犯了你的禁忌,十年不相往來是很有可能發生的事。雖說如此,你對於合得來的知交,卻是好得不得了,願意以寶劍相贈知己,出手闊綽,令人咋舌。你在交朋友是一個大好人,但是與朋友在一起的時候會有一面倒的趨勢,小心不要讓別人覺得你在搞小團體。
原來...已經來了New Zealand 9 年了。時間過得很快。
但...當聽到別人講關於香港現在的事情, 自己就覺得對香港越來越陌生。
由當時一個黄毛小子, 到升大學, 到大學畢業, 出來社會做事...直到現在
唉...真的.... 時間不經不覺從我們身邊溜走...
但...當聽到別人講關於香港現在的事情, 自己就覺得對香港越來越陌生。
由當時一個黄毛小子, 到升大學, 到大學畢業, 出來社會做事...直到現在
唉...真的.... 時間不經不覺從我們身邊溜走...
23 September 2005
Heading to.....
Ok... I am definately going to UK next year. However, I still need to finish off my CV, get every documentations certified and send all my details to my agent!
The worst thing is.... I STILL haven't finished my CV (I am so terrible)!!
My deadline for the application is sometime in October, (coz' I am planning to start working there in March or April). And it will take us approx. 4 months to get our working-holiday visas ready, and of course, we have to get all those annoying certification letters from the Pharmacy Council.
From the rate that I am going, which is very very slow, I really don't think I can get everything done in October. Why? That is because I just don't have time....err... I guess I should say... 'I haven't managed my time properly'.
Alright, I better get things going before it is too late!!
So gals and guys, next time when you see me online... make sure I have finished my application!!
The worst thing is.... I STILL haven't finished my CV (I am so terrible)!!
My deadline for the application is sometime in October, (coz' I am planning to start working there in March or April). And it will take us approx. 4 months to get our working-holiday visas ready, and of course, we have to get all those annoying certification letters from the Pharmacy Council.
From the rate that I am going, which is very very slow, I really don't think I can get everything done in October. Why? That is because I just don't have time....err... I guess I should say... 'I haven't managed my time properly'.
Alright, I better get things going before it is too late!!
So gals and guys, next time when you see me online... make sure I have finished my application!!
20 September 2005
30 July 2005
[lyrics sharing] Speed of sound--Coldplay
how long before I get in
before it starts, before I begin
how long before you decide
before I know what it feels like
where to?
Where do I go?
if you've never tried then you'll never know
how long do I have to climb
up on the side of this mountain of mine
look up, I look up at night
planets are moving at the speed of light
climb up, up in the trees
every chance that you get
is a chance you seize
how long am I gonna can stand
with my head stuck under the sand
I start before I can stop before
I see thing the right way up
all that noise, all that sound
all those places that i have found
and birds go flying at the speed of sound
to show how it all began
birds came flying from the underground
if you could see it then you'd understand
ideas that you'll never find
or the inventors could never design
the buildings that you put up
Japan and China... all lit up
the sign that I couldn't read
or the light that I couldn't see
some things you have to believe
but others are puzzles, puzzling me
all that noise, all that sound
all those places that i have found
and birds go flying at the speed of sound
to show how it all began
birds came flying from the underground
if you could see it then you'd understand
all those signs I knew what they meant
something you can't invent
Some get made, and some get sent
words go flying at the speed of sound
to show how it all began
birds came flying from the underground
if you could see it then you'd understand
oh, when you see it then you'll understand
29 July 2005
God... I am so addicted to Coldplay, The feelers and Daniel Powter... mum has just complained that I played these songs so many times that she can even remember the lyrics....
But..... their songs are just sooooo nice
But..... their songs are just sooooo nice
24 July 2005
[lyrics sharing] 勞斯萊斯 - 何韻詩
勞斯萊斯 - 何韻詩
羅漫史 開場於 山倫的桌椅
暗裏很享受 卻怕講出來
心裏面也知 這是愛
迷惑中的勞斯 此時先至知
他真的很意外 想起相識以來
為何還害怕 若覺得這樣愛
尚在計算他又是誰 可否愛
永遠的忍耐 永遠不出來
羅漫史 開場於 山倫的桌椅
暗裏很享受 卻怕講出來
心裏面也知 這是愛
迷惑中的勞斯 此時先至知
他真的很意外 想起相識以來
為何還害怕 若覺得這樣愛
尚在計算他又是誰 可否愛
永遠的忍耐 永遠不出來
18 July 2005
Harry Potter's latest book
Yeah... I have just bought 'Harry Potter and the half-blood prince'... I have started reading a little bit of it... it seems quite interesting....
umm... I shall read it whenever I am free
umm... I shall read it whenever I am free
16 July 2005
7 July 2005
mad at myself
It has been almost 2 weeks since I started with this new job and I am still lost in the middle of nowhere....
I should be able to pick up a few things, like the daily procedures and be able to set myself a schedule, so that I am always ahead of things.... but I am soooooo lost!!
I am TOTALLY NOT satisfy with my preformance... if I have to evulate what I have done... I would TOTALLY fail myself!! (But my superviser seemed to be quite happy though.... Do I expect TOO MUCH from myself?? )
Fortunately, my friend is quite supportive and helps me a lot. And of course I have to pick myself up again ("WHY DO WE FALL? SO THAT WE MIGHT BETTER LEARN TO PICK OURSELVES UP."-- from Batman Begins)
Well, I have to work harder tomorrow and hopefully, I can do things better next week.
" You know you have achieved perfection in design, not when you have nothing more to add, but when you have nothing more to take away." -- Antoine de St. Exupery
I should be able to pick up a few things, like the daily procedures and be able to set myself a schedule, so that I am always ahead of things.... but I am soooooo lost!!
I am TOTALLY NOT satisfy with my preformance... if I have to evulate what I have done... I would TOTALLY fail myself!! (But my superviser seemed to be quite happy though.... Do I expect TOO MUCH from myself?? )
Fortunately, my friend is quite supportive and helps me a lot. And of course I have to pick myself up again ("WHY DO WE FALL? SO THAT WE MIGHT BETTER LEARN TO PICK OURSELVES UP."-- from Batman Begins)
Well, I have to work harder tomorrow and hopefully, I can do things better next week.
" You know you have achieved perfection in design, not when you have nothing more to add, but when you have nothing more to take away." -- Antoine de St. Exupery
4 July 2005
24 June 2005
[Lyrics sharing] Beautiful Soul- Jesse Mccartney
Jesse Mccartney - Beautiful Soul Lyrics
I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
You're the one I wanna chase
You're the one I wanna hold
I wont let another minute go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
I know that you are something special
To you I'd be always faithful
I want to be what you always needed
Then I hope you'll see the heart in me
I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
You're the one I wanna chase
You're the one I wanna hold
I wont let another minute go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
Your beautiful soul, yeah
You might need time to think it over
But im just fine moving forward
I'll ease your mind
If you give me the chance
I will never make you cry c`mon lets try
I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
You're the one I wanna chase
You're the one I wanna hold
I wont let another minute go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
Am I crazy for wanting you
Baby do you think you could want me too
I don't wanna waste your time
Do you see things the way I do
I just wanna know if you feel it too
There is nothing left to hide
I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
You're the one I wanna chase
You're the one I wanna hold
I wont let another minute go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
You beautiful soul, yeah
I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
You're the one I wanna chase
You're the one I wanna hold
I wont let another minute go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
I know that you are something special
To you I'd be always faithful
I want to be what you always needed
Then I hope you'll see the heart in me
I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
You're the one I wanna chase
You're the one I wanna hold
I wont let another minute go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
Your beautiful soul, yeah
You might need time to think it over
But im just fine moving forward
I'll ease your mind
If you give me the chance
I will never make you cry c`mon lets try
I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
You're the one I wanna chase
You're the one I wanna hold
I wont let another minute go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
Am I crazy for wanting you
Baby do you think you could want me too
I don't wanna waste your time
Do you see things the way I do
I just wanna know if you feel it too
There is nothing left to hide
I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
You're the one I wanna chase
You're the one I wanna hold
I wont let another minute go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
You beautiful soul, yeah
20 June 2005
7 June 2005
new job
I got this position offered to me recently, working as a pharmacist. The offer is pretty much what I expected in the first place anyway, but I am so happy that the company that I am going to work for, provides me the opportunities to further my education... and that is something I have been longing for.
I mean, I am quite satisfy the pharmacy that I am working for at the moment. But sometimes, I just feel that I should leave, and to explore what's out there. I really appreciate what my boss has taught me in the past one and a half years. I have to admit that I learnt more than what my other intern friends would learn from their internship, and I thank thank them for being so good to me. However, I feel that it is time to move on with my career.
I am looking forward to contribute my knowledge and my skills, and be able to challenge myself with the up-comming obsticles.
I mean, I am quite satisfy the pharmacy that I am working for at the moment. But sometimes, I just feel that I should leave, and to explore what's out there. I really appreciate what my boss has taught me in the past one and a half years. I have to admit that I learnt more than what my other intern friends would learn from their internship, and I thank thank them for being so good to me. However, I feel that it is time to move on with my career.
I am looking forward to contribute my knowledge and my skills, and be able to challenge myself with the up-comming obsticles.
6 June 2005
31 May 2005
I had a terrible day
I handed my resignation letter over to my boss... and my boss was kind of shock, angry, diappointed... and I am feeling so awkard and guilty that I am leaving the company..and I felt like I have betrayed my boss.
I can certainly understand why they are upset... but I guess I have to think for myself, I need to explore what's out there, and I can't stay there forever, right?
(I am just trying to make myself feel a little bit better).....but so far, I am still feeling so terrible.
I can certainly understand why they are upset... but I guess I have to think for myself, I need to explore what's out there, and I can't stay there forever, right?
(I am just trying to make myself feel a little bit better).....but so far, I am still feeling so terrible.
29 May 2005
yesterday 晚上, 睇咗 [ 蝴蝶 ] 呢一套戲....
睇完之後, 好似喚醒咗我收埋咗喺心裡面嘅慾望....亦都令我想起一些以前喺high school 時嘅事....
睇完之後, 好似喚醒咗我收埋咗喺心裡面嘅慾望....亦都令我想起一些以前喺high school 時嘅事....
26 May 2005
剛同阿raf 個老細講完電話, 問咗佢有關個post 嘅嘢。
其實個post都幾正. 但係就俾佢講到and攪到自信心低咗少少...
佢要smart, fast, being able to make decisions...
umm...我而家就有D doubt 自已嘅ability lor.
不過我覺得自己都算係一個有能力做嘢嘅人, 應該會無問題啩.
但係而家就真係要decision making, 去決定未來嘅去向.
其實個post都幾正. 但係就俾佢講到and攪到自信心低咗少少...
佢要smart, fast, being able to make decisions...
umm...我而家就有D doubt 自已嘅ability lor.
不過我覺得自己都算係一個有能力做嘢嘅人, 應該會無問題啩.
但係而家就真係要decision making, 去決定未來嘅去向.
22 May 2005
1981 年 03 月 29 日出生的人
(Browsing the net.... this is one of my sunday hobbies....
(Browsing the net.... this is one of my sunday hobbies....
The meaning of... Stella
You have a charismatic and magnetic personality which others cannot help but be drawn to ensuring you of many friends. Very ambitious your keen perceptive powers and ability to absorb knowledge helps you to achieve your objectives. You are a strong willed and industrious worker who is prepared to earn all the material success and good fortune which comes your way. With a philosophical attitude happiness is assured.
You have a charismatic and magnetic personality which others cannot help but be drawn to ensuring you of many friends. Very ambitious your keen perceptive powers and ability to absorb knowledge helps you to achieve your objectives. You are a strong willed and industrious worker who is prepared to earn all the material success and good fortune which comes your way. With a philosophical attitude happiness is assured.
收到一份禮物, 雖然有點突然,不過我真係有點感動。
感動的是...她還覺得禮物還是不夠, 怕沒有人為我唱生日歌, 所以買了一個會播生日歌的音樂盒
感動的是...她還覺得禮物還是不夠, 怕沒有人為我唱生日歌, 所以買了一個會播生日歌的音樂盒
15 May 2005
每個禮拜唯一嘅一日可以真真正正去relax 自己.
1) 做facial (越嚟越貪靚了)
2) 去coffee shop 飲我最鍾意嘅latte...睇下書、雜誌..
3) 跟住去行bookshops, CD stores
1) 做facial (越嚟越貪靚了)
2) 去coffee shop 飲我最鍾意嘅latte...睇下書、雜誌..
3) 跟住去行bookshops, CD stores
14 May 2005
10 May 2005
這幾天, 公司真的很忙, 可能因為天氣轉涼, 很多人傷風同埋感冒吧.
又可能之前放假放低咗D 工作, 而家要 catch-up。
其實可能係自已嘅問題, 甚麼事都要做到最好為止, 所以好多事都唔肯放手俾其他人做...所以咪成日都甘忙囉...
(但係我又幾enjoy呢種... 忙的感覺噃)...
又可能之前放假放低咗D 工作, 而家要 catch-up。
其實可能係自已嘅問題, 甚麼事都要做到最好為止, 所以好多事都唔肯放手俾其他人做...所以咪成日都甘忙囉...
(但係我又幾enjoy呢種... 忙的感覺噃)...
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